Monday, December 26, 2011

Dealing With Dragons

I had a wonderful Christmas. My kids were thrilled with their gifts and it was a ton of fun watching them get so excited with each one they opened. Then we headed up to my mom's new house and I got to spend time with my brothers and sisters and their families, including my new nephew, Arthur. (He's adorable, by the way.)

One of the gifts I got from my mom was a set of books, The Enchanted Forest Chronicles. I read all four books when I was in six or seventh grade. The first is called Dealing with Dragons, it's about a strong-willed princess who doesn't want to marry a dim-witted prince. She runs away from home to become the princess of a dragon.

The series is filled with wonderful, unique characters and each book is told from a different person's point of view. Book three, for example, is told from the point of view of Morwen, an unconventional witch. She has about a dozen cats, which she talks to throughout all the books but only in the third book do we get to hear their side of the conversation.

It was a favorite series of mine and I am looking forward to reading them to Elizabeth. I highly recommend them to any one with a young girl, or any one who enjoys fun stories filled with magic and mischief.


  1. This remains a very popular book in my library, and is fun to recommend to boys without mentioning that the main character is a girl.

  2. Ha! That's great. :) It is such a fun series. A couple of the books have male main characters. :)

  3. Sounds like a fun series - I have not heard of them, I will have to check them out.

  4. I've never heard of these! I'll have to put them on my list.
