Sunday, February 19, 2012


Hope Roberson at Writing with Hope has a fun post today about manuscripts to movies. Who hasn't dreamed, at least a little, about their book becoming a movie? So I was thinking about how much fun it would be to have a blog hop where we can post pictures of who we would have star in our movie.

Sound like fun? Let me know if you think you'd join in. If there is any interest then maybe I'll just have to figure out how to actually do a blog hop. :) And maybe come up with a fun prize. . .Perhaps the book behind one of our favorite movies?

What do you guys think?


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun, and actually I had an idea for a bloghop in a similar area! Would you be interested in doing one together? If so, let me know and we can chat!

    1. I would love to! You can email me at rachelmarybean@yahoo if you want. :)

    2. W00t! I will drop you an email a bit later this evening! :D

  2. I'm full for blogfests and such for a while, but it would be fun! You don't need a prize though - most people will participate just to have fun with it. (Trust me, I've hosted many blogfests now!)

  3. Interesting idea - lots of fun. But I actually describe my characters, unless it's really necessary to the plot, so I'd find that hard to do.

    1. I don't really describe mine in the book, but I know what they look like in my head. :)

  4. I'd like to participate it would be fun!
