I know that all I can do is keep working at them until I'm happy and hope for the best. But I hate being so close, knowing I'm still so far away!
On a totally unrelated note, I had to hold back tears this morning when I saw that the marriage amendment in MN didn't pass. Happy tears. (For those who aren't in MN, which is pretty much all of you, ;) we were voting to put it into our state constitution to define marriage as being between one man and one woman.) It was wonderful to get on FB and see the happiness of the people in my life whom this affects far more than me.
Don't think about how far away you are from the big target. Just focus on the next step. And know with each one you are getting better.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Alex, Rachel. But I don't have anything profound to say except there are people who believe in your work and talent as a writer because if not you wouldn't have gotten this far. Good luck with your revision. I'm sure it'll work out in the end. :)
ReplyDeleteAlex pretty much summed up my thoughts! Stick with it, it will all be worth it! :D
ReplyDeleteThat's a great line. I hate being so close, knowing I'm still so far away. Getting published is a journey and being patient is so hard.
ReplyDeleteHey- I'm loving your story. And I believe in you. I know I suffer from the same insecurity- but you are amazing. Now own it!!
ReplyDeleteWe all have those moments, especially after we've been mired in a project so long that the lines begin to become blurry and we start questioning our own impression of the work. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other! Not only is that all you can do, but it's the best thing to do.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!
As someone who's read these, I know you're going to be just fine. And rewrites are HARD! I totally understand what you're going through. It's hard to know when you've done enough, or if you need to keep going. (I swear, by the end of all my rewrites I wanted to kill my characters) Keep going till you're happy and satisfied with what you've accomplished. Then send it off and try not to think about it, lol. ;)
ReplyDeleteRewrites are frustrating, but they seem to bother me less with each and every manuscript. I guess it's kind of like being an athlete, I know it takes a certain amount of sweat to make something good enough...though I wonder, how much pain does it take to make it great?
ReplyDeleteRevise and resubmit is so stressful on the nerves. All you can do is your absolute best, and realize that even your best might not have been what they wanted. Note how I didn't say good enough? because it is good enough, the question is if you'll have revised your work closer to what someone else had hoped for. Go get em, you can do it, and yeah, so happy for the marriage equality.
ReplyDeleteRewrites are so hard and it's so easy to let insecurity sneak in, but just keep putting one foot (or word) in front of the other and you'll get there.
ReplyDeleteMy very good friend lives in MN and we talked about the amendment. Whew!! So glad it didn't pass.
I hate revisions. Just take a deep breath and don't stress. You can do this. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's totally understandable why you'd be nervous right now, but don't let those nerves get to you! A lot of writers don't even have the chance to resubmit, after all. Take the time to be proud of how far you've already gotten! :D
ReplyDeleteTake a deep breath. Revisions are a booger, yes, but they will get you to your end result. :)
ReplyDeleteDon't, don't, don't, don't rush it! I suffer from impatience and tend to rush things and its backfired on me before! There isn't really any rush - nobody's going to write and submit exactly the same stories while you're polishing yours. Give them the attention they need, put them away for a little while, read them again and see if you still think they're ready. If you do - wham! Best of luck! :-)
ReplyDeleteNo, you're going to work on them until you're happy with them, and then you'll send them out knowing they are the best you can make them at the time. As others have said, don't rush! But always make sure you're happy.
ReplyDeleteI have found when I force myself to write, is when I can't. :/ It's so upset, but waiting for the inspiration is so worth it because everything is perfect! Good luck! I am sure your novellas will be amazing!