Monday, November 26, 2012

Coming Up

I have three awesome writers joining me here in the first week of December. I'm very excited to have all of them on my blog. So make sure to come back and check them out!

Until then, I will probably not be around much. (Well, here anyway. I still plan to be visiting other blogs as much as I can.)

I've gotten a lot of revising done on two different novellas and I'm feeling pretty good about where I am.

One of them is sent out to betas right now and I'm hoping to have the other one ready for that soon. One thing I've learned, I overuse the word 'that' a LOT. But, after a search and find, I have killed many, and plenty of wases, too. Next to go is 'just.'

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. (Or, for those of you across the pond, a great weekend.) :)


  1. Two manuscripts! That's amazing. I can't imagine working on more than one at a time, so you blow me out of the water.

    1. It was actually nice having another one to switch to if I got stuck on one. :)

  2. Congrats on clearing up your novellas. Good job! I wish you luck with it. :)

  3. Best of luck Rachel. Will be back for December.

  4. Yes, congratulations on TWO works! Woohoo! Good job with the clean-ups too. That is on my "to-do" list as well.

  5. Thanks for the heads up. I'll stay tuned for those interviews, and in the meantime congrats on all your revising success!

  6. congrats, hope the comments are good!!

  7. Ha, I overuse "that" a lot too! I didn't realise until I let Cassie Mae have a look at my work and found a million strikethroughs in the document LOL!

    Hope all goes well with the revisions!

    1. Lol, that's who pointed out mine, too! Now I'm going through everything else!

  8. I have to do searches on the same words. And my people nod a lot...they probably have neck cramps by the end of the story.

  9. Good job! I'll def. check out those interviews. :)

  10. haha, I have yet to start those deletions. I know I have my favourite words too.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  11. Good luck with revisions!! I can't work on more than one at a time or my head starts mixing up the voices.

    Hope your bloggy break gives you much productivity! :D

  12. YAY! Can't wait to see who you have coming up. And read those new revisions.

  13. Great work on the edits, and looking forward to December's visitors.

  14. Popping by from the blindsided bloghop. Good luck with your writing!

  15. I abuse "that" and "just" a lot, too. I try not to, but it's so hard not to use those words sometimes!

    And wow, you've been revising two different novellas? Go you! I'm always impressed by people who can multitask like that. :)

  16. 'That' is a big over used word. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!!
