
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Musical Inspiration

Last week I had the lovely Stephanie Wardrop and Kelly Hashway on here talking about how music inspires their writing. You can find that post here. Today I'm going to talk a little about the music that inspired Secondary Characters. :)

I can't actually listen to music while I write. I'd end up singing along and then writing the words to the song instead of what I should be writing! But, even though I don't write and listen at the same time, I have had songs inspire my writing.

In fact, it was a song called Secondary Characters that inspired my novella. It's from a musical; two minor characters find themselves alone on stage and take full advantage of their time in the spotlight.

So, sometimes the song inspires the idea, and sometimes I'll hear a song and think it's just right for one of my manuscripts. One song that I'd have on the soundtrack for Secondary Characters is Zac Brown Band's song, Keep Me in Mind.

This would be Lance's song to Mabel.
"We always go our separate ways, but no one could love you baby the way I do. Keep me in mind."
Lance is totally willing to wait for Mabel to notice him.
Thanks for dropping by everyone! What songs have inspired you? 


  1. Right now I'm loving anything by Mumford and Sons. Love inspiring music!

  2. Believe by The Bravery is on my Monster City (MG W.I.P.) playlist. I think the song is inspiring because it says you have to believe in something more than just being alive. I've heard of the play that you're talking about and I'm glad you found inspiration to write your novel Rachel. Plus I can't listen to music and write either. I get sidetracked.

  3. I can't listen to music and write either. But I can keep the news on...go figure.

    But songs will inspire me. I have a story mapped out in my brain by hearing that song, I think it's called "Tonight".

  4. I have to have music on while I'm writing, it's the only way to shut everything else in my life out so I can focus on the writing. But you don't have to listen while your writing to be inspired, as you've well said :)

  5. I love that you would write the song while you write...too funny...I read listening to anything...even tv!

  6. I used to try writing to music; I created a writing playlist of music videos that I liked on Youtube. But the problem was that I ended up watching the music videos instead of writing, and then I ended up watching several other videos, and...

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one to end up with random song lyrics in my stories.

  8. Music is a huge part of my writing, and I must have music on while I write. I've already started a soundtrack for the WIP I started this week. I usually can't share the songs cause they're too spoilery, lol. I love that this song inspired Secondary Characters.

  9. I love to listen to music in my car or if doing something mindless like housework, but if I'm reading or writing, I need the quiet. And that's exactly for the reasons you said. Song lyrics trigger images and stories in my mind...not to mention the desire to get up and boogie a little. That's quite a distraction if I'm trying to focus on the written world.

  10. I prefer to have music on when writing and I think I just naturally shut it out if I'm really concentrating. I've had a few songs that have inspired WIPs. Sometimes those ideas come from nowhere and sometimes I can narrow it down to exactly when I got the idea.

  11. I always have music on when writing/drawing/whatever. Definitely inspirational for me!
