
Monday, June 24, 2013

The Thrill of It All

Heather Gardner and Tara Tyler are hosting the Thrill of It All blogfest! They want people to "share a big thrill" today to celebrate their books Maguire's Corner and Pop Travel. (Both of which are filled with thrills.) :)

I had a hard time deciding between two different thrills, so I'm not going to. ;) I'll just talk a little bit about both of them.

Paris To London w/ Rachel Conway SchieffelbeinI've been showing horses for about twenty years, with a few years off to have kids. But I'm back in the saddle this year and it's been so much fun! I know my husband thinks I just sit there while the horse does all the work, but he's wrong.

This picture is a few years old, but that's me on a great mare named Paris to London. I actually wrote a YA novella set at the Arabian Youth Nationals horse show and named the horse after her. :)

The other thrill in my life is coaching speech. (I know, totally nerdy.) But watching my kids do well after seeing how hard they work is a huge thrill. This year we sent three kids to State. They cried and hugged each other and me and the other coach. It's awesome.

How about you? What thrills are in your life?


  1. I didn't know you rode horses. That's cool you are back in the saddle again. (Pun intended!)

  2. That's a nice picture! I haven't gone horseback riding in years, but I'd like to go again; it was fun. I think that teaching is a thrill for me. Even though I've been teaching for years, I still get a thrill when I'm in the classroom; it's one of the few places where I feel truly happy.

  3. Beautiful horse and so cool about the coaching! You're amazing!

  4. I'm afraid of both...speeches and horses. I need you Rachel!!!

  5. that's amazing! I've never ridden a horse, but I've hear it is difficult and requires a certain amount of athleticism I don't have.

  6. Lovely pic!
    I think it's great you enjoy coaching speech. Not nerdy at all. ;)

  7. Riding horses is a thrill. I've only rode ones on a trail in a controlled environment, but admire people who ride in shows. Cool to see the connect between a person and the animal.

  8. As a Sagittarius, I have a natural love of horses. It's been too long since I've actually ridden one. The last time I was on, I fell off at a gallop, but I impressed everyone in my outdoors group by getting back on and finishing the ride. Couldn't lie down on my back for over a month and had possible slight whiplash, but I enjoyed the ride.

  9. I'm thinking about answering a call for actresses. I did some drama in high school. Oh boy. Anyway I'm sure that you worked very hard Rachel. And I'd love to see that novella. Cool submission.

  10. It's been ages since I showed horses (mostly my cranky old quarter horse), but as a kid we never had nice horses. Then one year I went to work as a horseback riding instructor at a camp where all the horses had been trained to within an inch of their lives. It was amazing! So wonderful.

  11. Oh you and your horse are beautiful! That must, indeed, be a thrill. And having been in career that helped students with disabilities, I totally understand the thrill of watching a student succeed and achieve their visions and goals!

  12. I'm actually kind of afraid of horses...I admire you for showing them! I wish I were that brave :D

  13. My hubby LOVES horses... in full flight they are beautiful creatures... it's thrilling to watch...
    Coaching speech is wonderful. I agree that it must be thrilling to watch the kids progress.
    Writer In Transit

  14. I haven't ridden since I was a teenager. She's a gorgeous mare. And love your nerdy thrill of coaching speech. That sounds fun.

  15. Show horses? Wow that's cool!

    I too used to coach speech and debate. What sucked was all the hours...and my weekends were totally sucked away with the tournaments. But my kids were awesome.

  16. Those are both amazing thrills! Very cool.

  17. I had no idea you did horse-showing. Very cool! I can easily see how both of these thrills are...well, thrilling to you! :)

  18. show horse events are gorgeous! how thrilling that must be!

    and i can totally relate to the thrill of seeing kids succeed. i love the moment a math concept sinks in, the looks in their faces are priceless!

    great thrills!

  19. Now that's an awesome thrill. Helping others always is. Beautiful picture with your horse!
    Thanks for participating!

  20. You just earned a special place in my heart because my son joined the speech team last year and intends to continue throughout his high school years - it's wonderful to see teachers & coaches who care about the kids so much.

    Congratulations on getting back in the saddle. Have so much fun. They should name one of that horse's offspring Chunnel. :)

  21. Those are really cool! I applaud your for riding - I've never liked riding a horse. Had a bad experience at a summer camp, but I'm glad you enjoy it. :)
