Friday, August 3, 2012


I've decided that on Fridays I'm going to write about someone who inspires me. It might be another writer or blogger, someone I've read about, or (gasp) someone from my real life.

Today it is someone from my real life. My husband. He's so amazingly handy and artistic. He painted these in our kids' bedroom:

Isn't that cool? And he did that freehand. The kids love it. Now he's going to build them a built-in bunk bed. They are crazy excited.

He has also made me a jewelry box, with a beautiful carving on it, and a fairy house  for Christmas one year.

He built this play house for the kids with my step-dad, (another pretty amazing guy.)

So yeah, he's pretty much awesome. He's talented and very hard-working. He's much better at actually getting things done than I am. That's one of the many ways that he inspires me. If I just stay focused, it can be done!

Plus, he's pretty darn cute. ;) (He'd kill me if he saw this, but the truth is, he doesn't read my blog, so I'm safe.)

Thanks for the inspiration, Luke!


  1. He drew those freehand? That's amazing!

  2. He's very talented! I'd have to start with my spouse as well. She puts up with me after all.

  3. Those murals are awesome! How nice to have someone handy (AND creative!) around the house!

  4. Wow. That is so cool.

    I wish I could paint. Or build cool stuff. Unfortunately, it didn't work that way. I can write though. (I think.) :)

  5. Aw-Rachel I love that your husband inspires you. This post was so great. And oh my gosh my girls would seriously FREAK for that fairy house! We just started a little "fairy" garden, but it pales in comparison.

    He's talented and cute, definitely a keeper!

  6. You are so lucky! He sounds like an amazing guy :)

  7. Wow Awesome. That's a fantastic Castle (and the play house isn't too shabby either!) I love quirky things like that for kids. I hate when kids have to have completely white walled rooms. I loved getting to paint my own, and it's great of you guys to put things like that up for your kids.

  8. That's incredible! I want my walls to look like that! Hehehe!

  9. Those painting are amazing! And he did them freehand, too?! As an artist myself, I am thoroughly impressed!

  10. What a guy! Those paintings are delightful - such a fun background for a kid's room!

  11. Those walls are amazing. I love the playhouse too.

  12. Now this is what I like about writers, the instant hop from insecurity to inspiration. Not only is your hubby useful, he's oramental.

  13. Holy cow! That is really amazing!!!! The playhouse is truly incredible. You're so lucky!
