Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Happy Insecure Writers Support Group, everyone! It's the first Wednesday of the month, and you know what that means. (And if you don't, go HERE to find out more and sign up!)

Big thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and his wonderful co-hosts this month, C. Lee McKenzie, Tracy Jo, Melanie Schulz, and LG Keltner!

Everyone month we get together to share our woes and insecurities, and to give each other encouragement.

I've been trying to stay positive lately, focus on the sharing encouragement part, but it's not always easy. We all go through times of not feeling good enough, of feeling like we'll never be good enough. (That's why we have the group, right?) And I've been in that place a lot lately.

I don't think my goals are too huge, I'm not aiming to be an international best-seller or anything like that. I want to get an agent. I want to hold a book of mine in my hands. And some day I'd love to find a book of mine in an actual bookstore. But right now those goals seem too far out of reach. *sigh*

I'm trying to just not think about it. That's my plan. To write, write, rewrite, and not worry about the goals. To focus on the work, which I enjoy, of course, or I wouldn't be doing it. I'm trying to get wrapped up in my characters and their stories, and let all the rest of it fade away.

And most of the time it works. :)

Brightly Colored Art Print - Picasso Quote- Inspiration exists but it has to find you working via Etsy 
What works for you? How do you keep away the doubts?


  1. Good quote. Good point. :)
    IWSG #215 until Alex culls the list again.

  2. Just focus on the next step and set small goals to get to those big ones.

  3. Enjoy the process and don't worry about what may or may not happen.

  4. Just think about what you've already accomplished and keep pushing forward.

  5. If it makes you feel better, you make me feel insecure. I love your stories!

  6. I'm with Elizabeth, ha! You're an amazing writer. Keep going...I have a feeling you'll hit your goals whether you pay attention to them or not. :)

  7. Inspiration is a tricky beast, but there's one sure fire way for me to find it--a work out. Mindnumbing, heart pumping, music listening, endlessly climbing the magic staircase to NOWHERE is where I find the vast majority of inspiration.

    As for the doubts, I've never figured out how to get rid of those, so I just keep going despite them. Bravery isn't doing something without feeling fear, it's doing something despite being scared out of your pants. Writing is like that with doubts.

  8. You've already accomplished so much and I think you'll reach your goals in no time. Good luck!

  9. I agree, when you're in the middle of a book, that should be your whole focus. Your goals are manageable though - good luck!

  10. I'm there too. I want to find my book in a library and hold it in my hands. You will get there, sweetie! You are a wonderful author!! :)

  11. I think those goals will totally happen for you, Rachel! And I can totally understand wanting those, especially the holding it and in a bookstore goals. And the agent one too, can't forget that one! =)

  12. I think for many of us, just being able to make a living writing will be enough! International megastardom is highly overrated.

  13. The doubts for me always exist. It's whether or not I let them control me. Some days I can beat them, and some days, they win. I hear in this bizz we have to learn how to grow thick skin. I've never had the ability to do this, but every day I exist in this writing world, my skin grows a little thicker. Have faith, Rachel. Know, these things take time. :)

  14. Like you I keep writing. The rest of it is gravy. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  15. That's a really good attitude to have :)! I'm so full of insecurities, it's unreal. For years I've been telling myself I'm not good enough to write, no one will want to read my stories, and I keep abandoning novels when I've barely started them. Lately, I've started to think more like you - for my current project, I'm just concentrating on enjoying what I'm writing - and this is the most excited I've been about something I've written for a long time :). I can't wait to get home at nights just to write at the moment!
    Keep up the good work :)!

  16. I can relate so well to this. I never feel like I'm good enough, either, or that I'll ever reach my goals. Definitely not a fun mindset to have, so I'm sorry to hear you experience it, too! :/

    Anyway, good luck not dwelling on these fears, and have fun writing in the meantime! :)
