Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Insecure Writers' Support Group: Time

Today is the Insecure Writers' Support Group. A wonderful group where writers encourage and support each other. If you are a writer and not yet part of this group, I highly recommend it. Seriously. It will pick you up when you are feeling down about your writing. (And if you are really new and haven't felt like your writing stinks, all writing stinks, everything stinks, believe me, you will. But don't worry, it won't last.) Click on the link above to find out more about the group, including the list of participants.

Big, big thanks to our wonderful hosts Alex Cavanaugh, Nancy Thompson, Mark Koopmans, and Heather Gardner. All of whom are totally awesome people.

I've had some good news recently, so at the moment I'm not feeling too insecure. :) Instead I'm going to talk about something most writers know all too well about: Time.

We've all heard authors tell stories about how many years it took them to get published. About the giant pile of rejections they got before finally hearing a yes. It's the sort of story brand new writers hate. Years! I don't want to wait years!

But writers who have already been writing for a few years like hearing it. (Or at least, I did) It gave me hope that I wasn't just wasting my time. I wasn't just totally sucky at this. It's just that it takes time.

And yes, some times people break in quickly. But that's the exception, not the rule. For most of us it takes years. Because in that time your writing is improving, and your knowledge of the industry is improving. You learn not to send out your manuscript immediately after typing The End. Your find critique partners whom you trust and adore.

And you keep writing. More and more words, more characters, more stories. And even if they don't all make it into the light of the day each new word, new story, makes you a better writer. You're learning what works, what doesn't. You're discovering your voice.

So, if you are at that point where it's been a few years and still nothing has happened for you, Don't Give Up! Those who make it are the ones who keep going, keep learning, keep writing. Good luck!


  1. Time has a whole different meaning when it comes to writing. In many respects.

  2. Wonderful post. Time is the one thing we don't get back, and you're write--it's not wasted. The more we write, the longer it takes, the more we learn ... and you're so right about voice. Eventually, it shows itself! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. Writing has taught me to be so very patient. You wait on everything. I don't even sneak peaks at presents any more!

  4. Great advice Rach! It takes a whole lot more time than people can imagine to produce good work. And I'd like to hear more about that good news you to share? :)

  5. Thank you for this post Rachel. I've been working on the writing thing and feeling a lot like "It's me not them," but then I try to remind myself that it just takes time. Good post.

  6. That's right, enjoy those years before getting published. Learn all you can and relish the lack of deadlines.

  7. Great advice :) And those years give us time to improve our craft.

  8. Great post! :)
    IWSG #118 until Alex culls the list again.

  9. So true! Great post, thanks for the positive vibes!

  10. Thank you for the encouragement. I think of that a lot....years! But I think some of the better authors have taken years to write, and people are still reading their work.

    For a new writer, I found your posting to be very helpful.

  11. I like to think of myself as way undervalued stock. Congrats on the recent good news!

  12. You know, even those that break into the biz so quickly and easily have probably been writing for a long time. Maybe not a novel or whatever the case, but I know I've been writing since high school. I haven't been attempting to write something for publication since then, but I've been writing. If I think of it that way, then it makes me feel a little better LOL. In the meantime, I am just enjoying the ride. Every time I get encouragement, or a request for more I celebrate.

    Meredith’s Musings

  13. This is encouraging. Everytime I write and submit something I remind myself that even if it doesn't get accepted, I am writing, improving and trying. Persistence often trumps.

  14. I've learned to take my time, that's for sure! I don't want to send something unless I think it's ready. After all, my name is attached to it and I want to be PROUD of what I've written. I don't think there's any harm in taking your time :)

  15. Time waits for no one but it can sure make the days seem like forever. Definitely keep going, quitting never works out. Unless you're trying to fly. Quit that. Take a plane instead.

  16. Time's been a popular subject this month. I'm not sweating it though. :)

  17. Time is definitely a hard one. A few years back, I was saying "years?" but I am a little bit more patient now. I'm still exciting about the prospect of being published someday, but it's just gonna take a while and I'm okay with that.

  18. Waiting is tough, especially at my age. I decided to take the self-publishing route. Yes, I'm impatient...LOL!

  19. Hey! You're awesome!
    And yes. We have to keep going. We have to keep learning. We have to keep writing!


  20. So true. Writers measure time in years, not minutes.

  21. Hearing how this type of thing takes years has always been comforting for me, too. Not knowing that would make it too easy to feel like something's wrong with me rejection after rejection!

  22. This post makes such a great point that those years aren't stagnant or wasted - they're growing years, and so important to ultimate success.

  23. Your words are so true. I always wonder when it will be my time, but I know it will come. I just have to wait. Great post.

  24. It's so true that it takes time to develop our voice, and to grow our writing.
    Thanks for sharing this post!
