
Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Sister's Reaper

Dorothy Dreyer's book, My Sister's Reaper, comes out from Month9books in print on June 18th. The ebook version came out last month and she already has a bunch of wonderful reviews. I can't wait to get a copy of it!

My Sister's ReaperSixteen-year-old Zadie’s first mistake was telling the boy she liked she could bring her dead sister back to life. Her second mistake was actually doing it.

When Zadie accidentally messes with the Reaper’s Rite that should have claimed her sister Mara, things go horribly wrong. Mara isn’t the same anymore—Zadie isn’t even sure she’s completely human. To top it off, a Reaper is determined to collect Mara's soul. Now Zadie must figure out how to defeat her sister’s Reaper or let Mara die … this time for good.


Mara sat in her nightgown at the edge of the woods that bordered our backyard, knees pulled up to her chest, rocking and staring at the house. I ran to her, my breath coming out in short gasps.

“Mara, what the hell?”

She continued to stare at the house, rocking to a rhythm I couldn’t understand.

I put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. “Mara, talk to me.”

She stopped rocking. She slowly turned her head. It seemed to take forever until she found what she was looking for, and I was suddenly sorry I’d caught her attention. But Mara’s gaze didn’t land on me. She looked past me. I was hesitant to take my eyes off her to see what she was looking at, but at the same time I was afraid of what might be behind me, of whatever could cause her to act like this. I followed her gaze to a shadowy figure under the tree across the street. Who was there? I narrowed my eyes, but couldn’t make out who it might be.

“He’s coming for me.”

Her voice was flat. Empty. Terrifying.

“Who’s coming, Mara?”

She looked at me, her hazel eyes unblinking. “He won’t stop. There’s no escape.”

I looked to the tree again, but the figure was gone.
Author Bio
Dorothy Dreyer has always believed in magic. She loves reading, writing, movies, takeout, chocolate, and spending time with her family and friends. Half-American and half-Filipino, Dorothy lives in Germany with her husband and two teens.

You can find My Sister's Reaper on
And you can find Dorothy on her website,



  1. Thanks, Alex. Really happy with the designer's work. ;)

  2. Gasp you tease! What a great excerpt. Can't wait to get my antsy fingers on this baby. :D

  3. Terrific name, Zadie. I haven't seen anyone use it before, but I now I'll have to add it to my list of character names. Is it short for something?

    Love the cover. How you look at the girl and then your eyes follow the steps up to the reaper. Very cool.

    1. Thanks, Suzi! I found the name Zadie while researching. Thought it was cool, so I used it. :)

  4. Sounds awesome! And I love the cover. Going to add it to my TBR list right now :)

  5. Totally love the cover...and...the book sounds great, too!

  6. Very cool cover and premise sounds great!

  7. Sounds interesting. I like the cover!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  8. That excerpt was so creepy. The cover is great and the premise is attention grabbing.

    1. Yay! Glad it pleased you. Hope you like the book!

  9. Great cover and the book sounds great!!

  10. Cool cover and I love the blurb and excerpt . The book sounds magical, mysterious and full of suspense. Just what I love to read.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. OOH! This sounds fantastic! The title alone is so intriguing and I love the cover! Definitely going to read this one!

  13. Really liking the sound of this one.

  14. Sounds good. Very good!

  15. Wow, loving the dark premise of this book! I also can't help but adore the cover art. Adding this to my wishlist!
