
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May's Insecurity


It's the first Wednesday of the month, and if you don't know what that means you need to go here, now. Big awesome thank yous to Alex for creating the Insecure Writer's Support Group and thanks to those helping to keep it going month after month.

It's the first day of May. Secondary Characters comes out this month. Woo hoo! There will be a book out there in the world with my name on the cover. It's cool, and I'm super excited about it. But. . .with it, of course, comes some insecurities.

What if people hate it? Or, what if nobody reads it? What if it's a major flop and I never get another book published ever?

Yes, I know I'm worrying too much. But just because I know that doesn't mean I can turn it off.

But I don't want to focus on the negative. For the most part I'm just happy. These worries pop up, yes, but I'm sure they do for most people. It's a vicious cycle, isn't it? You worry you'll never get published, then when you do, you worry it won't be any good. If it is good, you worry the next one won't be as good and so on and so forth forever. I guess that's why we have the support group! :)

So I will do my best to ignore the worries and focus on the exciting wonderful parts. :)

Happy Wednesday everyone!


  1. You have a lot to be excited about, but it's understandable to be worried. What we hope for, we also fear. I'm sure your launch will go well :) Congrats!

  2. Well, you know there will be people that don't like it. Unfortunately, there are people with bad taste in this world. Can't avoid it. So why worry about them? :)

  3. I completely understand this! I spent my release day springing between wanting to dance & hide under my desk :) I'm sure there will be tons of people who love your book, and those who don't, well they don't matter!

  4. The worries never go away. You just have to keep moving forward fast enough that they don't have time to dwell.

  5. Your story is amazing and it will not flop. You rock Rachel! I am so proud and excited for you getting published- enjoy the moment.

  6. The night before my book launched was the worst night of sleep I got since my youngest son was a newborn. I had the same worries. A wise writer told me, just keep writing. No matter what, just keep producing. Best advice I ever got.

    Best of luck!

  7. True, so true. Sometimes we believe JUST TO GET PUBLISHED is the end-all, but then...well, we get slapped on top of the old noodle with questions of doubt and fear. But one question I have is- Is there truly a secure writer???

    Best to you, girlie. :)

  8. It is a vicious cycle! Man I think there's something in the air becasue I feel this way and I've read like 5 other posts with the same deal. Good for you for being positive, I couldn't quite make it that far today. You're attitude pushes me forward. And I guarantee you'll persevere.

    I wasn't going to make this a long comment but I just thought of something and I have to share. So I went to the Pikes Peak Writers conference last week and Libba Bray was the keynote speaker. (hello bestseller!) The theme for the conference was "writing from the ashes" and if anyone has done just that, Libba has. She tried to be a playwright - quit her job, moved to New York - everything. Tried that for 14 years before one of her plays came out. After 1 week the NYTimes gave her a three line bad review and she was done writing forever, but of course she wasn't becasue now she's hugely successful. So anyway, I don't know why I went into that, but it's something to think about.

  9. Congratulations! And well done, too, for talking yourself out of your insecurities and focusing on the positive! You have a lot to be positive about!

  10. This is really true. The fears and doubts never do go away. I always thought that as soon as I became an adult, I wouldn't have anything to worry about.

    Then I became an adult. o_0

    So yeah, I think you're taking the right road, focus on the awesome, everything else will evaporate. Right? right??

  11. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to read your book!

  12. It does seem like once we get one thing covered, the next rears it's ugly head doesn't it?

  13. It is a vicious cycle. But you seem to have a good attitude about it. Can't wait for this book!

  14. Sounds wonderful! Yes dance in the joy of the moment with a new book release. How exciting.

  15. Getting published is mega exciting but I can appreciate it is scary too. I'm sure I would feel the same. Try and enjoy every minute I'm sure it will be brilliant :)

  16. No matter what stage your in I think it comes with insecurities. I'm sure it will be great!

  17. I do think all our worries make us try to write better. Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishment! Enjoy it. Keep enjoying it. And then focus on your writing some more.

  18. You should be jumping for joy, you're definitely not allowed to be insecure at all this month... We'll all read this post again in August... *joke*!!!! :-)

  19. Wow, it's coming out this month?! So exciting! I agree, worries will forever be there, unfortunately, but good luck trying to shake them off as much as you can. The good parts are more fun to focus on, anyway! :)

  20. Focus on the positive. I'm going to save a gift card code just for buying your book Rachel.

  21. Oh man, I totally understand. It's a good thing that we all do!

  22. I totally understand this feeling with all of my posts. I guess that's a big reason why I'm so hesitant to write a book at all.
