Wednesday, April 1, 2015

IWSG: April

It's April! Yay! It's ever (finally) looking like spring here in Minnesota. Life is pretty good right now, so I'm not really feeling that insecure. So for today's Insecure Writer's Support Group I'm going to share some writing quotes that have spoken to me at different times along the way.

But first I'd like to thank the Ninja Captain, and IWSG founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and his co-hosts this month,Suzanne Furness, Tonja Drecker, Toi Thomas, Rachna Chhabria, Fundy Blue, and Donna Hole. You guys are all amazing! Thanks for keeping this wonderful group going!

And now some words of encouragement. I know recently I was feeling like reaching my next goal was NEVER going to be reached. Then, all of a sudden, it was. So keep on working, you'll get there!

And one more, just for fun:
Happy spring, everyone! :) :)


  1. Glad you reached your goal! I like the second saying.

  2. Once it's achieved, we wonder why we doubted.

  3. ooooh, I love all those quotes! Especially the one that said writing doesn't get easier you just get better, and it's so true!

  4. LOL, love that last quote. Gave me a good laugh! :)

  5. I like the first and third ones best, especially the first one; I can relate to it as I finish my dissertation and my PhD, both of which feel like impossible goals to achieve.

  6. Love these quotes! Thanks for posting them!

  7. I keep telling myself a tiny bit of progress is better than none.

  8. Those are great quotes. And no, the road to hell isn't paved in WIP. It's paved with unedited manuscripts.

  9. Great choices. Both funny AND true! ^-^
