
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

IWSG: Bad Blogger

It's time for Insecure Writer's Support Group. To find out more check out Alex's blog. If you don't know Alex, you must be new here. Go find him right now!

I know I haven't been around lately, I've been so busy! But good busy. I have nine kids from my speech team going on to Sections next week, and three alternates. Most of them have a real good shot at going to State, too, so wish us luck! I also cast our spring play yesterday, so practices for that will be starting soon.

On the writing front I'm waiting to get my edits on Secondary Characters, but I'm keeping busy writing new things. I'm almost to 10,000 words on my latest project and I kind of love it. I also have a novella out with CPs, but now I think I might hate it. (I'm kinda' nervous they'll send back notes that say, "Um, really? This stinks.)

But my biggest insecurity right now is that after this big blogging break that I'll have a hard time getting back into it. I took a break in the spring last year, too, for speech and theater, and came back without trouble but of course I still worry about it. I really enjoy blogging, I love reading everyone's news and progress. And I will be back soon! If I've missed any major news please catch me up! Thanks!


  1. is there really any such thing as a bad blogger? life is what it is.

  2. Your writing does not stink! So there.

    I'm glad you're back (or will be soon). About the only big news you've probably missed is that Amazon bought Goodreads.

  3. I'm sure your CPs won't hate anything you write, Rachel! 10k on the new project sounds brilliant :-)

  4. Every time I've taken a blogging break, the people are there when you get back. So enjoy your break and don't fret.

    (Go debate team!)

  5. You can do it! We've all taken breaks here and there. I think the hardest part is the pressure we put on ourselves when we get back to it, once you get over the initial fear it'll be like riding a bike (I know, so cheesy).

  6. We'll be waiting for you Rachel. Glad you're still getting writing in and taking care of your family.

  7. Congrats on your speech team's success! It sounds like you're a busy lady. If you don't psyche yourself out, I think you'll come back with flare! :)

  8. Wow - you're doing a lot! Don't worry about the break. I took a long one last Fall and things even ran better than before. Plus...writers are going to hate to hear this ;)... there are other things in life which also need attention, and these are just if not more important than writing. Go Speech Team!!!

  9. Congrats on the speech team! Don't worry about taking a break - we all need one now and then.

  10. There is life outside of the Internet (a shocking thing for kids these days)!

    Good luck with your team and the play!

  11. You'll get back in the groove! I have faith. And we will help!

  12. Everyone needs a break. We'll make sure that Rachel gets her groove back!

  13. Breaks are good and you know, it's so easy to let blogging almost feel like a moral obligation instead of a tool. If the tool isn't serving you well at this point in the life, it's OK to hang it up for a bit. :) You may find you miss and need it or maybe you'll find you're fine without it. Either way, we'll be cheering you on in ALL your pursuits!

  14. I'm pretty sure they're not gonna come back and say this stinks. :) Good luck with your speech team!

  15. Hey,

    Congrats and *good luck* with the kids at the sections... I've just started in with a group of local kids, helping them out with writing tips, etc, and it is so much fun :)

    PS.. You. Good. Blogger :)

  16. I've cut back on blogging over the past year too because my writing was suffering. I'm slowly easing back into it, because I miss all my friends. I think the blogging community is very supportive and understanding, so welcome back:)

  17. Congratulations on your teams success! All the best!


  18. As far as blogging goes, I come and go like nausea, so I wouldn't worry if I were you!

    All the best for your team!

  19. Rock on girl! I admire you for all that you do and what you get accomplished.

    And I am 100% positively sure your novella doesn't stink! Keep doing what you're doing. You're amazing! xo

  20. Thanks everyone! You guys always make me feel better. :)

  21. I trust you get right into the swing of things! And it's great that you're so positively busy!

  22. It's like a bike, always waiting for you to pick it up and ride it again.

  23. Blogging breaks are inevitable sometimes. I accidentally started taking one this past week, and nowhere am I as busy as you seem to be! Good luck to you and your speech team!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Its like riding a bike...except its your fingers that get tired and not your legs! :)

  26. Life is busy. It's part of it. I too am about to take a break, and I'm worried about not getting back to it fully, or missing out on things. It's just how it is sometimes. But, it sounds like a lot of awesome things are coming about for you!

    Sorry it took me a bit to get to this post. It's been an insane week!


  27. I would be insecure about getting back into blogging, too....because I took an unannounced break and it's been hard to keep it up because life just gets so busy, but when I blogged about the aversion, everyone was so nice and just said that when you're ready, you will be ready! Looks like you're making awesome progress on your works!

  28. I've found it is hard to come back from breaks some times, but it never takes long to get back on the horse. I'm taking the month of May off, as most bloggers do after A-Z.

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