
Sunday, November 29, 2015

I Miss You!

Hello bloggers! It's been a while. I know.

I miss blogging, but I can't seem to remember how I ever managed to keep up with a blog, raise my four kids, and actually have time to do things like write, or do laundry.

I didn't finish Nano (this was my first year trying it) but I did write more words than I probably ever have in one month. I have one WIP out with cps, and another half finished. So I have been writing! And the laundry gets done, (if not put away.) ;)

But the blogging has basically stopped. Many of my old blogger friends I've found on Facebook. If we haven't connected there, please feel free to friend me! (There are not a lot of Schieffelbeins.)

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful (for my US friends) and I hope you're excited and joyful about the upcoming holidays. :) Please fill me in on any new happenings! I'd love to hear how your writing is going, or anything else that's been great in your life.

Perhaps in the new year I will find more time to keep up here. I certainly hope so. :)