
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

We Have a Winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered the Halloween give away!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congratulations, Jessica!

Halloween is right around the corner! This is a big holiday at my house.
My husband and my oldest daughter LOVE all things scary.
Plus, of course, costumes and candy!
My kids this year will be a witch, a ninja, Elsa, and a puppy. :)

is on sale for 99 cents!

So how about you? Do you love Halloween? Are you wearing a costume this year?
Do you have an Elsa in your house? Lol.
What's your favorite costume you've ever worn?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Halloween Give Away!!

Halloween is right around the corner! This is a big deal at my house. It's my husband's and my oldest daughter's favorite holiday. And why not? Full of spooky decorations, freaky movies, scary books, and awesome costumes. It's a great time of year.

If you are in need of some spooky reads Halloween, you are in the right place. Jen McConnel, Nicole Zoltack, T.A. Brock, Crystal Collier, Cortney Pearson, Meradeth Houston, and I have banned together to give you some awesome creepy reads.

One lucky winner will receive a signed paperback of my YA horror,
and an ebook of
BLACK HELLEBORE by Nicole Zoltack,
FATAL and BRUTAL by T.A. Brock,
MOONLESS by Crystal Collier,
AN ABSENCE OF LIGHT by Meradeth Houston,
and PHOBIC by Cortney Pearson.

Plus two of these awesome blood-splatter lollipops from Vintage Confections.

Cool, right?

So good luck, and Happy Halloween!

is on sale for 99 cents through Halloween!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Cover Reveal: Nobody Knows

I'm very happy to take part in the cover reveal of Nobody Knows, by Kyra Lennon. I've been reading Kyra's posts on Facebook about this book for awhile and have been so excited for it to come out! (Which it does on November 3rd, by the way. So a bit more waiting, but at least now we can check out the awesome cover!)

It's not easy being friends with rising rock stars - especially when you're the glue that holds them together.

Razes Hell has taken off in the charts, and Ellie can't believe her childhood friends, Drew and Jason Brooks, are on TV and drawing crowds after years spent playing in dodgy bars. From obscurity to overnight success, Ellie soon realises life in the public eye isn’t all it’s cracked up to be as dark secrets become headline news and old conflicts are re-ignited. When a fake feud meant to boost the band’s popularity threatens to rip the boys apart for real, Ellie finds herself torn – a position which only gets more uncomfortable when her loyalty to Jason collides with her blossoming relationship with Drew.

Nobody knows how deep their issues run; nobody but Ellie. With friendship, a music career and a new love on the line, can Ellie keep their tangled pasts from ruining their futures?
You can find Nobody Knows on Goodreads.
And it will be released on November 3rd!
You can find Kyra Lennon (who's awesome, by the way) on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


It's Insecure Writer's Support Group day! Yay! But it's not a normal, writing is really hard and everything sucks, IWSG day. Today we are trying to share advice and encouragement for the IWSG anthology.

Before we continue, big, big thank yous to Alex J. Cavanaugh and his awesome cohosts My awesome co-hosts today are Kristin Smith, Elsie, Suzanne Furness, and Fundy Blue!

I thought about this and seriously wondered whether or not I would have anything of value to add. I know there have already been a lot of posts about writing, and I'm sure they're better than anything I could have come up with.

So I'm going to do something else. I don't know that it will fit into the anthology, but I'm doing it anyway. I'm going to talk about the after part. The baby blues. The fears, doubts, and holy-crap-I-sucks that come after you've already gotten through the writing, the revising, the querying, the accepting, more revising, and finally seeing your baby out there in the world.

People are going to love your book. Honestly. People have already loved it, that's why you've gotten this far. Even if you're self pubbing you know people have loved it to get this far. And more people will love it. Because it's good. (Don't forget that part, it's important.)

People will not like your book. I'm sorry, but it's just a sad fact of life. Not everyone will love your book. Just as you don't love every book out there in the world. And not just the ones that aren't your genre, your thing. We've all started books we thought we'd love, books our friends loved, and not liked them. That is a good thing to remember when you see those not loving reviews.

The best thing, of course, is to not see them. Stay away from all reviews as if they are the plague. But lets face it. That won't happen. Because then you might miss a good review. And we love the good reviews. So we peek, even though we know we shouldn't.

So when the bad reviews happen here is a to do list to help you get through them.

1. Yell at your screen. Explain to that reader why they are dumb. And wrong. And have no taste. Because clearly they have no taste. Remember, this step is to be done verbally or in your head. It is not, I repeat NOT to be typed up in a place where the reviewer or any reader can see it.

2. Eat something yummy. Chocolate is great, but if you aren't a chocolate person then go to your go-to food. Chips, French fries, banana cream pie. Whatever. Eat something yummy and feel free to pout.

3. Go to Goodreads. (yes really, you didn't read that wrong) go to one of your favorite books. One you love and you can't imagine anyone in their right mind not loving. Now go to its one star reviews. (Because it will have them.) Read them and feel free to go back to step one. See, even your beloved book, this amazing book, has people who don't love it. (Dumb people.)

4. Read some of your good reviews. Remind yourself that there are people who love your book. (Because it's awesome, and you are a wonderful writer.)

5. Remind yourself that YOU love your book. And you are the only person who really matters.

6. Keep writing. Because you love it and you're good at it.