Movies: For me I'd have to say Romantic Comedies. I love Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, and my all time favorite movie ever, The Princess Bride. I absolutely hate when movies are advertised like comedies and then turn out to be dramas! I don't like sad.
Music: I love all kinds of music, but the thing I listen to the most of is country. I know, so not cool, but I love story songs and songs about family. Where else, other than a country song, would you get lines like, "I'm going to love you. . .as long as old men sit and talk about the weather, as long as old women sit and talk about old men." Now that's forever. ;)
Books: When I was younger my favorite was fantasy. As an adult, I don't know if I have a favorite. I am learning that I love magic realism, though. I loved The Night Circus, and I adore Sarah Addison Allen.
Guilty Pleasure: Picture books. I know I'm not the target audience, (well, I kind of am now that I have kids.) But I have been collecting picture books since way before I had kids. I have zillions. Some favorites: The Girl in the Castle Inside the Museum, The Duchess of Whimsy, and Press Here.
Although a wise woman once said that she didn't have a guilty pleasure because she doesn't feel guilty about what she likes. And I like that. And I don't really feel guilty for loving picture books. It's more like an odd favorite. :)
What do you think? What are some of your favorites?